The Highest Paid Skill On The Internet

The Highest Paying Skill On The Internet

If there was one skill in the world that a person needs to learn and understand if they want to have an online business, that skill would be copywriting.

Now understand, first of all, that “copywrite” and “copyright” are two very different things!

To have copyright – this means that you are the author, painter, photographer, musician or inventor of a specific type of work. Those types of work would include, as you may have guessed, a book, a work of art, photograph, song or something similar.

But “copywrite” is something different altogether. As Anik Singal would say, it is that “Every successful business person must be able to sell through the art of the written word.” Anik will tell you that he learned this from his mentor, Justin Ford.

So (and but …) what does this mean?

Becoming A Copywriter

It means that if you want to sell something, either online or offline, you need to know how to communicate this to people through words. Or, in other words, become a copywriter.

There is no better person who can teach you the ins and outs of copywriting like Anik Singal.

So, what is copywriting, exactly?

There are several different types of copywriting:

  1. Written Sales Letter
  2. Video Sales Letter
  3. Webinar
  4. Email Sales Letters
  5. Ads (such as Facebook or banner advertising)


Different Types Of Sales Copy

Now, what Anik teaches are the first four of those five things listed above.

What is a low-down of this? I’m glad you asked!

The Written Sales Letter

A “Written Sales Letter” (also known as WSL for short), is typically used to sell low-ticket items. Which means, priced low. This type of copywriting has taken the place of “Direct Sales Letters.”

Actually, it is the same thing except that direct sales letters are written on paper and mailed to your mailbox, and written sales letters are sale page links (also known as a URL.)

These are typically long, drawn out written copy that can go on and on for a very long time. There are several parts of the written sales letter but the basics are the introduction, the body, testimonials, benefits and bullets, calls to action and usually a PS for an afterthought.

Sounds simple, huh? Well …… not exactly! There is definite psychology behind it and nobody can teach that (in my opinion) better than Anik.

Video Sales Letter

A “Video Sales Letter” (also known as the VSL for short), is typically used to sell mid-ticket items. In other words, products that are priced in the mid-price range, usually a few hundred dollars.

As you may have guessed, a VSL is a video, and the point of the video is, of course, to get you interested in the mid-priced product. Also starting with an introduction, the video sales letter typically has a story and several other parts to it.

The Webinar – The Highest Paid Form Of Copywriting

Next, is the “Webinar.” This is used for high-ticket items, selling for at least $997 and it is a longer video with a series of steps that are actually teaching something. But here’s the kicker – they will teach you what to do, but normally not “how to do it.”

Why? Because if you want to find out how you will usually need to purchase the course that they are recommending.

The webinar has many, many steps to it – a long series of sections lasting at least an hour but usually more. The webinar has been credited for creating more millionaires on the internet than anything else.

Most successful entrepreneurs say that if they had to start over again, this is where they would start.

Email Sales Letters

And then finally, there are “Email Sales Letters.” These are emails sent to people that promote products. But there is a definite right way and wrong way to do this.

In order for email to be successful, the person sending the emails must also send their list content of value. In other words, they cannot just slam people with sales offers every day. That would be the fastest way to get people to unsubscribe!

So, the promotion emails are only one type of email that should be sent out to a list. Once again, Anik is who I highly recommend to teach you the right ways to learn all of these copywriting techniques.

But, let’s take this one step further.

Shortcut Software For Copywriters

What if there was software available out there that made it possible to answer a series of questions, and then have the sales copy be printed for you?

Yes, I’m talking every kind of sales copy you can think of – emails, webinars, video sales letters, written sales letters and more.

Believe it or not, this software does exist now. In fact, it is unbelievable what it can do. It is called Funnel Scripts and you can watch a webinar and learn about it right here and now.

With this software, the worst case scenario is that you end up with a “rough draft” that you may want to revise and improve. It is, in fact, the best brainstorming product out there and is a must-have for any serious entrepreneur.

So there you have it. I have just given you the two absolute BEST resources out there to help you learn to copywrite. You don’t HAVE to have it, but if you want to actually succeed? Well, you might want to think about it!

Copywriting Is The NUMBER ONE SKILL

Copywriting is known as THE NUMBER ONE SKILL needed for making money online. I’m pretty sure if there was a vote on this, all other entrepreneurs out there would wholeheartedly agree.

So, here’s my advice. Click on these sales pages. Listen to Anik. Listen to the Funnel Scripts webinar, and then you decide for yourself which way works best for you.

If you are serious like I am, you will do both.

I just heard a quote from Multi-Millionaire Dan Lok this morning and he said, “When you motivate an idiot, all you have is a motivated idiot. You need skills.” This totally cracked me up! Dan Lok is one of the best copywriters I know of, and he always manages to come up with things like that!

I give Dan Lok number one for the best email subject line I have ever seen and it was this: “Video of me in the shower. Explained.” Lol

Too funny!

You can’t beat that. Nobody can.

But remember this, copywriting is a skill that has been around for a while. Just like the changes in the world and the changes on the internet, copywriting has evolved, along with everything else.

Sure, there are other resources out there. But take it from somebody who pretty much explores all options. You won’t find better (and more up-to-date) resources than the two I just mentioned.

Go get your million dollar skill and resources today!!

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Have you used copywriting in your business? What strategies do you like best? Please share in the comments below!




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