
What Is Website Traffic?

Here on this blog, we will talk a lot about website traffic. So, what is it?

Here is what it is not – it has nothing to do with traffic out there on the highway. Although in a way, it has its similarities! People will come to your offer either in large groups or not at all.

But the best way to follow up on website traffic is through Click Funnels.

If they come in large groups, it is possible to have what is known as “network crashes!” This is the dreaded fear of most entrepreneurs.

The last thing they want to happen is to have a successful launch with thousands of people and the server goes down and the website crashes and everybody gets sent to a dead link.

It does happen.

How People See Your Offer

But the point is that website traffic is the way to get people to actually SEE what you have to offer. Which should be a landing page that puts people into your sales funnel.

In other words, if you just build it, they will not come. Not until you send website traffic to it. Extremely important.

But the bottom line is that you want eyeballs on what you have to offer. If you have a beautiful landing page, it will do you absolutely no good if nobody ever sees it.

Two Main Types Of Website Traffic

So, what are the types of website traffic?

There are actually two main types – paid (short term) traffic and free (long term) traffic. There are many pages on this blog dedicated to those specific topics.

These two main types of website traffic are basically exactly as they sound.

Free traffic takes a long time to develop and you have to put a lot of work into content creation in order for it to be effective.

Some of the most popular ways are through blog articles and of course, social media.

Although many people do not experience a lot of success with these methods, there are plenty of success stories to be found.

The Key To Blog Success

The key for those who are successful is to never give up. To always be putting out valuable content and on a regular basis. If a blog does not have content posted on a regular basis, it will begin to fall in the search engines.

What that means is that when someone googles a keyword that you have in an article, only the blogs that are active will show up at the top, for the most part.

The reason for this is something called algorithms. Think of it like getting approved for a loan. Getting approved is based on several factors such as your credit score, your income, how long you have been on the job, etc. And your credit score is also based on several factors.

All of this information together determines whether or not you will “qualify” for a loan.

Well, algorithms work much the same way. Whether or not a blog article ranks high in the search engine depends on a number of factors.

Those factors can be things such as the keywords in the article, how long the article is, how many comments the article has, how many videos and photos are there, how many clicks the article is receiving from other sources, etc.

Some Challenges of Social Media

And then, of course, there are social media. I personally find social media to be FAR too time-consuming and overwhelming. And I’m not talking about the paid advertising on there such as with Facebook.

I’m talking about free methods. For one thing, competition is rampant. I am also a realtor and it reminds me of the price range of houses. It never ever fails. Everybody always wants the SAME houses, the ones that are priced low.

Social media is similar. Everybody wants to use social media to promote their businesses because it is FREE. Everybody wants what is free. So, what this means is that there is tremendous competition!

Now, don’t get me wrong. I’m not saying that I don’t like social media or think it is effective. It can be extremely effective for those who work it consistently and put out valuable content on a regular basis.

I’m just saying that there are easier and more effective ways to advertise, however, they cost money.

The Benefits of Paid Advertising

Which brings me to paid advertising. This is also known as short-term advertising. The reason it is called that is that it is so much faster than free methods.

There are several methods of paid advertising that work very well. A few years ago, Google Adwords was the way to go. But one day Google changed up all of the rules and a lot of people’s businesses went from thriving to dying in a matter of days.

This was best known as the “Google Slap.”

However, it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to realize that Google is still a highly effective place to concentrate your efforts.

The Magic of the Pixel

But these days, many marketers have gone to Facebook Ads. I think it is pretty well known that due to Facebook’s “pixel” this is by far the most intelligent advertising source available.


The reason is that this “pixel” has the ability to track what your customers do once they land in your sales funnel or on your blog.


After tracking them, this pixel gathers information about them and is then able to get extremely specific about their behaviors and interests.

What this means is that you can go directly to the EXACT people who are looking for what you have to offer. This is extremely effective when done correctly!

What people don’t understand about this is that it takes time for a pixel to develop. So, they try a few ads and it doesn’t work and then they give up. But in reality, the pixel gets smarter and smarter as time goes on. Sounds crazy, I know, but true.

Banner Ads & Solo Ads

Other popular and successful methods of paid advertising have to do with placing banner ads or solo ads on popular newsletters. Banner ads are probably obvious to you. They are pictures with some ad words on them that people can click on. Then this will take them to a landing page or sales page.

Solo ads are email ads that you can write and then pay someone to send them out to their list of subscribers. This is an extremely popular method of paid advertising and is very effective when done correctly.

So, how do you do a solo ad correctly? First, you need to make sure your sales funnel CONVERTS. In other words, does the sales copy entice people to go through the process and actually purchase something?

Once you know that your sales funnel will convert cold leads into buyers, then you need to make sure you are purchasing solo ads from a qualified vendor or owner of a list.

The best way to be sure is to test out a small sample and track your ads. If they are working, then scale up your advertising! If not, either improve your ad and sales funnel or discontinue the ad.

I call this tracking and using risk management. If you do this and hit on an ad that works and pair it with a sales funnel that converts, then cha-ching! Let the fun begin!!

But no matter where your traffic comes from, you definitely want the best follow up after the sale.

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