Why 90% of Businesses Are Outdated

The Explosion of Technology 2023


At the time of this writing, we are nearing the end of 2023. This gives me the gift of hindsight.

Which is something I rarely have. But I find it important to talk about.

We can always look back, but few have made the changes necessary to move forward.

I can tell you that marketers are left scrambling to catch up.

This is good for some and not so good for others.


What Are Some Of These Changes?


I don’t know the exact numbers and I know it is changing every day…

But I believe I have heard that Click Funnels has somewhere around 150,000 users (give or take) and counting…

Not only that but Click Funnels has a fantastic affiliate program that pays out great commissions.

So, when they added Click Funnels 2.0 to their agenda (in addition to Click Funnels Classic…)

There are many trying to figure out what to do and how to navigate these changes.

Since Click Funnels Classic still works great, there are some who are resistant to moving over to the 2.0 version.

This is especially true for large businesses built on the Classic version.

So, the question here is, what does Click Funnels 2.0 have to offer that Click Funnels Classic does not have?

And the answer to that is… Well, many things.

A full analysis will require another article. (Coming soon.)

But some other changes have hit the market in a big way…

Such as this incredible blast of Artificial Intelligence software.

This could be (and likely will be) an article for each new software development.

But the most well-known of those would be ChatGPT.

(Wow, did that change things or what?)

If you are not familiar, we will discuss that in another article as well.

And then finally, TikTok has been the big buzz in the social media world that took off this year.

All I can tell you about TikTok is that I have been on there for a couple of weeks…

And have 1100 followers already.

And I haven’t even yet begun.

So again, this is for another article on another day.

But in this article, let’s get back to the software and Artificial Intelligence developments.


How Is All This Affecting Freelancers?


If you are a freelancer and you are worried that Artificial Intelligence is going to hurt your ability to find work…

Think again.

Yes, it does change things. But for the better.

For example, now you can spit out a rough draft in 20 seconds that used to take an entire week to write.

Because of ChatGPT, the research is already done.

But there still needs to be a live “human” behind the scenes to double-check a few things…

Such as, to make sure it all makes sense.

Because after all, AI is not perfect. There are times when it is flat wrong or makes no sense whatsoever.

For example, it told me that one of my friends was in jail and shot his girlfriend.

Not true! He was with his sick mother that night and recently divorced.

So, can it be wrong? Hell, yes. Apparently.

There needs to be a human to fix all that.

Otherwise, it can also appear as though the article has been written by someone who speaks a different native language.

(Because maybe it was. Who knows.)

And no offense to ChatGPT, but it is slightly dry.

In other words, obviously lacking in personality.

Sure, it would work great for a dissertation, maybe. (Haha.)

But for copywriting… I don’t think so. Unless you are speaking to robots.

However, having a rough draft to start with is…

Incredibly magnificent. To say the least.

I started a blog from start to finish the other day in 1.5 hours.

When I tell you that this used to take me at least a month (to write all that content, especially…)

I’m not kidding.

But the best news of all for freelancers is that I seriously believe…

(And I could be wrong. Because I often am.)

But I (for real) believe that 90% of the businesses out there are out of date.

I also believe that out of those 90% of businesses…

Probably 70% of the entrepreneurs do NOT feel like revising their entire business.

Especially businesses that took ten years to build.

I revised mine and I can tell you as a fact…

There were days when I wasn’t sure what I wanted to do more…

Cry or throw up.

It will be a LOT of work for entrepreneurs to get caught up.

So, as a freelancer, if you can get up to speed on what is going on out there…

(And it doesn’t have to be everything. Just one thing will be enough.)

And then look for businesses that need your help…

Well. The work is there. I’m sure of it.


How Is This Affecting Affiliate Marketers?


I think this is affecting affiliate marketers in a positive way…

Because there are LOTS of new products and services to promote.

That’s probably the most obvious benefit.

On the other hand, if you are already using or promoting outdated products and services…

Then you may need to hire a freelancer to fix all that. Smile.

But seriously, it shouldn’t affect affiliate marketers in a detrimental way for the most part.

I think it will help you to put out content at a much faster pace.

This is all due to the Artificial Intelligence content creation software that is out there now.

Not only can you deliver articles at a much faster rate…

But you can also come up with photos, designs, alternate voices, and so much more.


How Is This Affecting Entrepreneurs?


Entrepreneurs are going to be the hardest hit when it comes to playing catch up.

The more deeply embedded you are in your business…

The harder it will be.

As I heard one marketer say the other day…

“I love Click Funnels, but I have such a large business built (somewhere else) that I am now trapped there. I can’t move.”

And this can happen.

Which is why it is so important to choose the right business platform to begin with.

If you are just starting, you have a tremendous benefit.

Because you won’t have to worry about those things.

However, if you already have a business…

By moving it to the 2.0 version, (depending on how big of a business you are…)

You can drastically cut expenses.

The 2.0 version may seem more expensive to beginners…

And others who just don’t understand the business.

But to advanced businesses that use a lot of outside features…

Click Funnels 2.0 will be a breath of fresh air.

It is an expense CUT to move everything over.

Not the other way around.


So, What Should You Do?


If you are not sure what to do, you might want to watch a free course that I put together.

Now, admittedly, my courses are designed to be “Beginner to Expert” courses.

This means that if you are an intermediate or expert marketer…

I might put you to sleep. Because you will be like…

“I already know this.” And maybe you do know a lot about it.

But if you are wondering what it would be like to move a business from Click Funnels Classic (or any other business platform) to Click Funnels 2.0…

You will learn a lot about that. And then you can decide if it is something you want to take on.

I can promise you one thing. If you have a message to share with the world…

And you want to build a beautiful and professional business online…

And put everything under one roof and get out from under the Big Tech thumb…

Then you will want to check it out. You can do that in my course.

The course I am giving you is 100% free.

Of course, I make recommendations that cost more.

(Because I would be stupid not to.)

But you are never required to purchase anything.

And you will get TONS of great free information just for being there.

And I will give you at least 3 other free courses once you complete this one.

Sounds fair?

Click the button below and get that free course now.

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